18 May 2014

Large Flocks of Wild Pigeons Over Town

The Johnstown Tribune of yesterday says; This morning several large flocks of wild pigeons flew over town in a southerly direction, and it was not long after the first lot was observed until a number of sportsmen repaired to the adjoining hills. The crack of shot guns could be heard distinctly all day, and it is to be presumed that a great many of the birds were bagged. Several pigeons were brought to town last week by hunters who had scoured the mountains in search of them, the condition of this fine species of game was excellent. It may be that their appearance to-day in unusual numbers is the precursor of a storm; and the general appearance of the sky and the change of atmosphere would indicate that people who make guesses of this kind will find their prognostications correct.

October 30, 1877. Wild pigeons. Evening Mirror, page 4.