16 August 2010

New Species Observed at La Platte Bottoms

An American Pipit observed at the Fast Grass Sod Farm east of La Platte is a new addition to the species which have been observed in this area.

On the morning of August 15, Matthew Cvetas, from Evanston Illinois, observed a single pipit from his roadside observation point. In his note posted on the NEBirds forum, he noted that it looked "to be a first year bird with crisp white fringes to its upperparts."

This is the 133rd species noted in this immediate vicinity, known as the La Platte Bottoms.

Also noted on this visit was a single Upland Sandpiper and Buff-breasted Sandpiper. There were eight Upland Sandpipers at the same site, midday on August 13th. Also present have been a Snowy Egret, a Cattle Egret and juvenile Least Bittern.

This sod farm where this bird was seen will be bisected by the highway to be constructed across the landscape east of La Platte.